Cloud Experts Documentation

Customizing the console URL in ROSA

This content is authored by Red Hat experts, but has not yet been tested on every supported configuration.

Starting with ROSA 4.14.X, it is possible to modify the hostname and TLS certificate of component Routes post-install. These are the OAuth, Console, and Downloads routes. For example, the default ROSA console uses the built-in domain https://console-openshift-console.apps.<cluster_name>.<random> You can now specify a custom domain, for example, and the ROSA console will be available at a URL such as This guide will walk you through how to customize the console url for a ROSA Classic cluster (not tested on ROSA HCP yet).

WARN: there is currently a limitation in modifying the default ingress which does not allow the default router to be modified. It is being worked, but if you need this, please pay careful attention to steps labeled WORKAROUND. They will later be removed once the full implementation is in place.


  • A Red Hat OpenShift for AWS (ROSA) cluster 4.14.0 or higher
  • Cluster admin privileges (required to be able to modify cluster ingress)
  • Route53 Hosted Zone
  • A custom domain
  • A wildcard certificate
  • rosa cli
  • oc cli


Set up Environment

  1. Set your email and domain

    export EMAIL=<YOUR-EMAIL>
  2. Set remaining environment variables

    export SCRATCH_DIR=/tmp/scratch
    mkdir -p $SCRATCH_DIR

Custom Domain

  1. Create TLS Key Pair for custom domain using certbot

    Skip this step if you already have a key pair

    certbot certonly --manual \
      --preferred-challenges=dns \
      --email $EMAIL \
      --server \
      --agree-tos \
      --config-dir "$SCRATCH_DIR/config" \
      --work-dir "$SCRATCH_DIR/work" \
      --logs-dir "$SCRATCH_DIR/logs" \
      -d "*.$DOMAIN"
  2. Create a TLS secret for your custom domain in the openshift-config namespace

WORKAROUND: use openshift-ingress as the namespace instead as this will be used by the secondary ingress controller we create, as we are unable to modify the default.

 oc create secret tls acme-tls --cert=$CERTS/fullchain. pem --key=$CERTS/privkey.pem -n openshift-config

Individual Component Route Certificates

WORKAROUND this is required because we will use rosa edit ingress for each individual component route and those certs including the wildcard cannot be re-used.

  1. Create TLS Key Pair for individual component routes

    Skip this step if you already have key pairs for the individual component routes

    for CERT in oauth downloads console; do
      mkdir -p $SCRATCH_DIR/$CERT
      certbot certonly --manual \
        --preferred-challenges=dns \
        --email $EMAIL \
        --server \
        --agree-tos \
        --config-dir "$SCRATCH_DIR/$CERT/config" \
        --work-dir "$SCRATCH_DIR/$CERT/work" \
        --logs-dir "$SCRATCH_DIR/$CERT/logs" \
        -d "$CERT.$DOMAIN"
  2. Create TLS secrets for your custom domain in the openshift-config namespace

    for CERT in oauth downloads console; do
      oc create secret tls $CERT-cert --cert=$CERTS/fullchain. pem --key=$CERTS/privkey.pem -n openshift-config

Create wildcard DNS record and point to DNS entry of Ingress controller

  1. Retrieve the cluster’s default ingress id

    rosa list ingress -c <cluster_name>

    Take note of the default ingress ID.

  2. Enable wildcard policy on the default ingress

    Skip this step if you already have wildcard policy enabled on your cluster

    rosa edit ingress -c <cluster_name> <default-ingress_id> --wildcard-policy WildcardsAllowed
  3. WORKAROUND Create a secondary ingress controller that serves traffic for your custom domain, to include your component routes:

    envsubst <<EOF | oc create -f -
    kind: IngressController
      name: custom
      namespace: openshift-ingress-operator
          name: ""
        clientCertificatePolicy: ""
        name: acme-tls
      domain: $DOMAIN
          dnsManagementPolicy: Managed
              type: NLB
            type: AWS
          scope: External
        type: LoadBalancerService
      httpCompression: {}
      httpEmptyRequestsPolicy: Respond
        name: ""
        matchExpressions: []
      replicas: 2
        namespaceOwnership: Strict
        wildcardPolicy: WildcardsAllowed
        matchExpressions: []
        reloadInterval: 0s
  4. Retrieve the ROSA default ingress load balancer DNS name (can use the AWS console or run the command below).

NOTE: if using the above workaround, use the name of the custom ingress controller in the below command (demonstrated as ‘custom’ above) instead of the default to pull that DNS record instead for the purposes of directing traffic at the custom ingress controller.

 oc get services -n openshift-ingress | grep default


aws loadbalancer console
  1. Add a wildcard DNS record in your custom domain Route53 Hosted Zone to CNAME to the router-default

NOTE: if using the above workaround, use the DNS hostname of the custom ingress controller in the below image (demonstrated as ‘custom’ above) to point traffic at the custom ingress load balancer.

wildcard record
  1. WORKAROUND Create a secondary ingress controller that serves traffic for your custom domain, to include your component routes. It should be noted that the tlsSecretRef refers to the component certs created as secrets:

    rosa edit ingress -c <cluster-id> <default-ingress-id> \
      --component-routes="oauth: hostname=oauth.$DOMAIN;tlsSecretRef=oauth-cert,\
      downloads: hostname=downloads.$DOMAIN;tlsSecretRef=downloads-cert,\
      console: hostname=console.$DOMAIN;tlsSecretRef=console-cert"

NOTE: skip this step if you are using the workaround. This is the part that is being actively worked and should eventually be fixed

  1. Edit the ingress controller to use custom route and certificate

    rosa edit ingress -c <cluster-id> <default-ingress-id> --cluster-routes-hostname <$DOMAIN> --cluster-routes-tls-secret-ref <tls-secret-created-for-custom-domain>

    Important Note: All routes created on the default ingress will be accessible on .$DOMAIN url


  1. Retrieve ROSA console URL

    oc whoami --show-console
  2. Navigate to your console domain in the browser to access the login page. If logged into the console already, logout before logging back in again.

    The Oauth componentRoute is also accessible on the custom domain

  3. Login to the console


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